Studio 3807 Lobby Discover

Discover what’s happening at Studio 3807 and around the neighborhood

When you live here, you will have access to a multitude of events, activities, and opportunities to meet others, socialize and explore your passions. You will be presented with incredible moments and occasions that will promote learning and enrichment. You won’t have to travel far to enjoy fascinating conversations, interesting experiences, and opportunities for personal growth.

Take advantage of events and activities that will challenge you to find new ways to learn about your surroundings and your place within them.

Explore the neighborhood and meet residents, entrepreneurs, entertainers, musical performers and artists. Studio 3807 and the Gateway Arts District are the intersections of people and ideas.  The end result is a neighborhood with a distinctive vibe—a place you will be proud to call home.

Explore what is happening at Studio 3807 and in the Gateway Arts District and begin enjoying the Art of Living.

Studio 3807 Apartments
3807 Rhode Island Avenue
Gateway Arts District

Brentwood, MD 20722
(301) 690-6218
Email Us
Leasing Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday: 10am-6pm
Friday: 10am-4pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: Closed